The Three Advantages Of Owning Your Own Failures
Own your own failures so you can fix them, disarm your critics, and build trust. Own to fix Playing golf, I hit one shot straight and the wind carried it right and out of bounds. My playing partner said, “Good shot. Sorry about the wind.” I replied, “No. I should have...
Why Intelligent Failures Are Essential To Executive Onboarding Success
Every single executive onboarding into a new leadership role fails. So much is situationally new, different and variable that they cannot possibly get everything right all the time. Then, 40% end up getting fired, forced out or quit within 18 months. Stay out of that...
Leading A Team That Has Just Completed A Successful Mutiny
While this article was prompted by OpenAI’s turbulent week, it no longer applies to OpenAI as that mutiny ultimately failed and Sam Altman is staying in place. Nor does it apply to the vast majority of more normal cases in which new leaders should converge into teams...
What It Takes To Navigate The Middle Ground As A New Division President
The job of division president is practically the definition of middle management. The C-suite looks down on you and everyone in the division looks up to you. Navigating that middle ground requires establishing the best possible clarity and boundaries between yourself...