How A Wedge Approach To Positioning Helps Clarify Choices
Positioning is a wedge – a tool designed to separate things. Those driving sharp distinction lead with their point of difference. Consultative sellers seek first to understand prospect’s needs and then narrow their message to focus on the most important of those...
How To Communicate Better By Leading, Following And Getting Out Of The Way
You’ve heard the saying, “Lead, follow or get out of the way.” Make your communication even more effective by doing all three – in that order. Lead by laying out your message headline. Then follow your audience’s direction to go into more depth as appropriate....
How To Leverage ‘Yes And…’ As The Gold Standard For Influencing
Yes, you should read this article if you’re interested in strengthening your influence. Yes, the fundamental premise is that responses that begin with “Yes” are more encouraging than either “No,” “Yes but,” “Yes if,” or “No but.” And, “Yes and” encourages...
Why News-Style Inverted Pyramids Enhance Executive Communication
Maximize executives and board members’ leverage with three communication steps: 1) Prepare yourself and the executives or board members in advance; 2) deliver in a news-style inverted pyramid; 3) follow through. Prepare yourself and the executives or board...