Executive Onboarding Note: The Inflated Title Trap
Be wary of people that push for inflated titles for their own self-interests. It’s a sign that they are self-focused and a harbinger of all sorts of bad things to come. On the other hand, welcome discussions about the scope of their role and its inter-dependencies...
Executive Onboarding Note: The Importance Of The Confidence To Be Open To Help
By definition, executive onboarding involves a change in circumstance. No matter how strong the executive is, that change is risky. Executives that get help accelerate progress and reduce their risk of failure. Given that, you’d think everyone would be open to help....
Executive Onboarding Note: Why SalesForce’s Naming Co-CEOs Is A Huge Distraction
Let’s talk about the ramifications of SalesForce’s naming Keith Block as co-CEO with founder Marc Benioff. Actually, it’s a short conversation. It’s a non-event. Nothing’s going to change. Co-CEOs can be a huge distraction. Most organizations with co-CEOs spend way...
Checking For Fit In The Digital Age
On the one hand, digital tools make it easy to find more information about potential new hires. On the other hand, the quantity of information is overwhelming. To evaluate fit, you need a framework to help you decide what things to dig into across behavior,...