Not much. That’s what it takes to capture and create a moment of joy. That is Eyoälha Baker’s insight. She photographs people jumping for joy because she knows that “images impact the way we think, feel and interact.” In doing this she actually creates moments of joy. How cool is that? And what is stopping you from doing the same? Not much.
As Eyoälha described to me, jumping for joy is a “metaphor for life. It represents overcoming fear and being fully committed to a choice and trust as in taking a leap of faith.” She started with pictures of individuals and “the powerful essence of joy” already inside of them. Then she moved to putting six foot by six foot pictures of all sorts of different people jumping for joy on the side of a building in downtown east Vancouver.
It was not only taking the jumping photos of people, but the unifying experience of involving so many people from different walks of life, to create art that expresses joy, and the intention of creating a ripple effect by sharing it with others. It was incredible to experience the positive response from people, first hand, especially when all the different images of different people were compiled together in the murals, it really makes an impact on the viewers. The images are shared as part of an ongoing art project and planning a cross Canada tour to take photos across the country, and eventually around the world … maybe even make a link through Twitter: @jumpforjoyphoto
If you’re thinking this is a little airy fairy, you’re not alone. I thought that too – until I watched Eyoälha in action.
I started every morning at the recent HATCH experience in Montana, with a morning hike in the mountains. On our last morning hike, Eyoälha asked us if we’d like to jump for joy. We’re on the last day of a magical experience. We’re hiking in magical mountains just after dawn. And this magical human being invites us to share in her magic. Easy choice.
Eyoälha lined us up on a ridge and got down in the dirt to get an angle that made it look like we were jumping much higher than we actually were. I wish I’d taken a picture of her at that moment. As she was positioning us for her picture, as she was sliding herself back and forth in the dirt to get just the right angle, she was herself a picture of pure joy.
Thus her jump for joy project captures moments of joy and creates moments of joy for those she’s photographing and for herself.
Get the point? Just as it doesn’t take much for Eyoälha to create moments of joy in people she’s never met before, it doesn’t take much for you to create moments of joy in people you spend time with every day.
All you have to do is get them to do something that brings them joy, take a picture of it and then share the picture.
Doing Something That Brings Joy
Encourage artistic leaders to create something. Encourage scientific leaders to solve a problem. Encourage interpersonal leaders to bring people together. Or capture them doing that naturally.
Take A Picture
Could be a picture, but more likely a note in a file or a note to yourself.
Share The Picture
Share what you saw, heard or felt from their new creation, solution or connection.
1. Make general reference to what you’re acknowledging.
2. Make specific reference to what the individual did.
3. Highlight the personal qualities that helped the person do what he or she did.
4. Point out the resulting benefits to the organization and the person.
That’s what it takes to capture and create a moment of joy. Not much.