Relationships built on connecting with others are the heart of leadership. Thus, to strengthen your leadership you must turn toward and accept bids for connection instead of turning away from them. This flies in the face of the core principle of time management, saying “no”. But then connecting more deeply with people was never going to be a time saver. It certainly takes time – and is probably the first, best use of your time.
- The prelude to moments of impact matters. Take the time to think through the context, the purpose and the strategy. You must ask and answer questions about where to play, what matters and why and how to win in order to be ready to make an impact.
- Recognize and embrace moments of impact. These are moments of connection. You live your message in what you say and what you do AND in how you respond to those bidding for your attention. Who and what you choose to pay attention to and how you do so screams volumes.
- How you follow through makes it real. Make sure you do what you say you’re going to do so you’re building relationships through the implementation.