In response to a need for even smarter and even more immediately actionable guidance on how to succeed as a new leader in today's turbulent job landscape, I am thrilled to announce the launch of our New Leader Smart Tools iPad application (app). Just released in conjunction with the third edition of our book, "The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan" (Wiley, Oct. 2011), the app is designed to help new leaders and their teams get done in 100 days what normally takes six to 12 months.

New Leader Smart Tools

Learn more at
or go straight to the New Leader Smart Tools page on iTunes

As private-sector hiring in the western world continues to struggle, it's imperative that those who land job offers impress and achieve key milestones more rapidly than ever before. The app is designed to ensure leaders and their teams stay on track to create a sizeable and positive impact within their organizations.

Incredibly user-friendly, the app provides sliding levels of engagement, as it can be utilized solely by the new leader or also by the team. Other unique features include:

  • Self-populating, completely flexible at-a-glance plan that makes it easy to get started and use
  • "Always on" application that assertively inspires and enables team actions
  • At critical junctures, it clarifies and explains the choices leaders must make

We priced the app at $19.99 so you and your team members can use it for any new assignment involving a new company, new role, or new project.  Learn more at

New Leader Smart Tools iPad App

Get 6-12 Months of Results in 100-Days

Leading a team through a transition? At any level, in any role, in any assignment, whether it’s a new company, new position or new project – the New Leader Smart Tools iPad app will help you and your team get done in 100 days what would normally take 6-12 months.

Better Results Faster

Will accelerate your results by helping you map your 100-day action plan; and giving you advanced notice and reminders of milestone deliverables to keep you on track.

Tools To Accelerate Your Transition

The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan

Battle tested tools and insights developed by PrimeGenesis over hundreds of engagements to accelerate senior executive transitions. See our best-selling book.

Learn more at
or go straight to the New Leader Smart Tools page on iTunes


Make An Impact

Smart, Customizable, Portable. Yours.

You plug in Day One and the app builds your plan with you. Then it uses reminders to keep you on track. You stay in control, but it keeps you honest!

Learn more at
or go straight to the New Leader Smart Tools page on iTunes